5 Essentials For Your Winter Wellness Kit

As the days shorten, the temperatures drop, and we tuck ourselves away in more confined, warm spaces, the risk of catching an unwanted illness can increase.

Get ready for this eventuality with a winter wellness kit, so if someone in your family gets sick you have the important items on hand.

1. Pulse oximeter and thermometer

Thankfully the days of trying to hold a manual thermometer under your wriggling child’s armpit, or worse still safely in their mouth, are long gone with the advent of digital thermometers. Our tip is to get the best digital thermometer your budget allows – the easier it is to take and read your child’s temperature the better. A normal temperature for children is around 37°.

The arrival of pulse oximeters is another fantastic peace of mind tool for parents. These handy little devices gently clamp around your child’s finger and measure how fast your child’s heart is beating and also their oxygen saturation level, ie how much oxygen is in their blood. Look out for an oximeter designed for children and follow the instructions for use.

This, combined with their temperature, allows you to track their wellness and give you valuable input into when you might want to seek medical advice.

2. Immune system support

A strong immune system is good at recognising harmful microbes in your body and fighting them before they multiply and take over. Comvita Olive Leaf Extract is bursting with the powerful antioxidant oleuropein that has been shown to provide several health benefits, such as contributing to the normal function of your immune system.

Comvita Olive Leaf Extract is available in original, mixed berry, or peppermint oral liquid as well as high strength Olive Leaf Extract capsules.

3. Mask up

Pre-pandemic we tended to have a “she’ll be right” approach to catching viruses but now we better understand the importance of ensuring the whole family doesn’t get sick together. While it’s true that exposure to illnesses can help to build a normal immune system, it’s a miserable time if the whole household is unwell. We also don’t want to share the bugs with extended family, workmates, and friends. So mask up, especially if you have a particularly nasty bug on your hands. Oh, and make sure good hand washing practices are habitual!

4. Symptom soothers

Ensure you have a supply of pain relief such as paracetamol and ibuprofen on hand in case you need it. Be careful to follow the dosage instructions exactly. You could also stock up on your favourite nasal decongestant, sore throat remedies, and electrolyte drinks.

Comvita has a range of winter wellness products formulated with the power of Mānuka honey and specially developed for little tastebuds including Soothing UMF10+ Mānuka Honey Pops (for ages 3 years+).

5. Treats and entertainment back-ups

Having an illness in the house can be a bit stressful and boring at different times, or even at the same time! Consider tucking away a few treats such as your family’s favourite lollies or biscuits, some popcorn, or a treat drink. Ice blocks double as a treat as well as being kind to sore throats and upset tummies. A novelty sippy cup or straw could help persuade reluctant drinkers to keep their fluid intake up.

A special book, a toy for their collection, some colouring in pages, or some felt pens that magically appear at a strategic moment could help ward off boredom, or calm an upset child.

author robynWritten by Robyn

Robyn is a regular Her World contributor. Her hobbies include buying cleaning products and wondering why things don’t then clean themselves, and eating cheese scones with her friends.

Favourite motto to live by: “It’s just a phase.”


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