We put in so much time each day to look our best by using makeup to enhance our features but whether you love putting on makeup because of the creative outlet it gives you or you like to hide those under-eye bags, if you get even a smudge of makeup onto clothing of any sort it can be a nightmare to remove.
Mascara on your clothes
Mascara is a wonderful thing. It tricks people into thinking we’re more awake when we aren’t by giving us long and defined lashes. But all it takes is for the lid not to be on properly for the wand to brush us and be stained. The key to this one is to use a detergent stain remover to get the stain out. The faster you get to it, the better the outcome. After using a stain remover to rub on, let it sit for 10-15 minutes before putting it in the machine on a cold cycle.
Lipstick on carpet
This one may not necessarily be your fault as we know two year olds love to play makeovers but there is nothing more devastating than seeing your favourite lipstick in carpet. Grab your can of hairspray and cover the lipstick stain with it. Let it sit for 10-15 minutes and grab a folded paper towel to dab over the stain. Repeat the process of hairspray and dabbing with a paper towel as the stain will get lighter each time. Finally grab a cold damp cloth to wipe up the hairspray once the stain has gone. For best results use the cheaper cans of hairspray as the more expensive cans have less alcohol in so will be less effective.

Blush out of upholstery
Falling asleep on the couch is wonderful until you wake up and realise you have your blush smeared across the arm of the couch. Mix one tablespoon of dishwashing liquid to two cups of cold water and dab the spot with a clean cloth. Keep dabbing until the liquid and blush stain is absorbed. Once the stain has disappeared, gently blot the area with a damp face cloth until dry.
Eyeshadow from pillowcases and bed sheets
Hands up if you’ve fallen asleep with your makeup still on after a night out? Guilty! Waking up in the morning to a puddle of eyeshadow on your pillow case can be super frustrating. If you have white vinegar simply add ¼ cup of it to the fabric softener part of your washing machine and run your pillowcases through a cold cycle. Rest assured that even though there may be a slight white vinegar smell when your pillowcases first come out damp that hanging these out to dry outside will reduce all hints of the vinegar.
Foundation from clothing
Foundation is probably the most common makeup stain we get. It’s the most obvious and probably the most annoying. But grab the shaving cream and cover the stain in it. Make sure you use shaving cream and not shaving gel. Let it sit for only a few minutes and then use a good amount of force to massage the stain in with your fingers. You need to use enough force to really get into the stain and remove every bit of it. Rinse off the shaving cream with cold water and dry.
The main things to remember are always dab not rub when trying to remove the stain and cold water always over hot. No one wants a permanent orange patch of foundation on a beautiful piece of clothing. Better living everyone!
What’s the most common or worst stain that you’ve encountered from your beauty bag?
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Written by Analesha Little
A beauty guru with a love for travel, wine and Uber Eats, Analesha enjoys writing about everything from makeup to motherhood and all the sassy bits in between.
Favourite quote: “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself”
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