We all seem to have a lot on our plates these days and we find ourselves adding to it constantly. Having the time to manage our health, beauty, exercise, relationships and careers come at a cost. That cost is time – not having enough of it.
De-stressing and relaxation shouldn’t just be timetabled into a Friday night with a bottle of something red or white, it should be timetabled into our every day. There are many ways to make relaxation a part of our everyday lives as well as being able to have a drink at the end of the week.
Women have a lot on their to-do lists from juggling partners and children, managing the home as well as fitting in a 40-hour working week. How can women find time to focus on what’s important? Life is fast and there’s always something that needs to be done for someone. Here are five 10-minute hacks to create vital ‘me time’ and schedule in some essential relaxing to boost our mental, physical and emotional wellbeing.
Take a walk in the park
Use your lunch break to give yourself an energy boost. We’ve all heard sayings like ‘taking time to smell the roses’ or ‘connecting with nature’. What this really means is by taking a moment to put our smartphones away for ten minutes, get outside and take a walk, somewhere green and leafy and in the fresh air. Because a quick dose of vitamin D and getting the blood flowing around the body by walking has tremendous rejuvenation effects.

Make yourself a cup of tea
Take a few minutes to prepare a cup of tea. Not just a teabag and some hot water, but a proper one. Varieties like green tea have properties such as L-Theanine in them which helps reduce stress (and anger). In China, there are literally thousands of different types of tea and they have created an art out of making it. Tap into this process by creating something more than just the usual brew and take a few minutes to enjoy the results.

Play a game
Gaming, especially online gaming is a popular way of passing the time, but it can also be a key ingredient to help with relaxation and escapism. Consoles and other devices provide access to mainstream titles that contain immersive worlds and in-depth stories that can allow you to escape from real-life issues, but not everyone is willing to invest heavily, which is why casino games on mobile, as well as other types, have become so widespread. Casino games such as poker and blackjack have become increasingly popular and many sites don’t even require deposits to play, like the casino sites from the guys at bonus.net.nz. Playing games can be an effective form of escapism and help deal with daily work pressures.

Use essential oils
The properties of scent can have powerful effects. The smell of certain things can change our moods. It has the ability to take us back to our childhood or transport us to a more comfortable place. This is because familiar smells cause the brain to react – they are like fond memories. For instance, mixing lavender oil might spark the recollections of your favourite grandmother or even that holiday to Provence. The bottom line is that essential oils can trigger relaxing responses from the mind and body.

Listen to music
Many of us choose to listen to music throughout the day, either switching on the radio or using headphones and selecting a playlist from Spotify. But how many of us actually take the time to really hear the music? Music can help drown out busy offices and allow us to subconsciously sing along whilst working. But music can do a lot more than that though. By taking ten minutes to remove yourself from your desk and sit somewhere to listen to a classical piece of music or a short playlist from your favourite artist can help the mind refocus and relieve stress.

This list of relaxation hacks is proven to help the modern woman stay on top of their schedule and get the most out their week. Finding ten minutes a day to concentrate on something that is all about you isn’t selfish, it’s essential. Therefore, put ten minutes of your day aside without feeling guilty and create a better daily balance.
What hack do you do to relax and de-stress?
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