Since no one else seems to be saying it, I will – this is actually really entertaining. Was it necessary to make another Charlie’s Angels movie? No, probably not, but I can’t deny I enjoyed watching these babes kick ass. Check out our Charlie’s Angels review below. ⬇️
When a young systems engineer blows the whistle on a dangerous technology, Charlie’s Angels are called into action, putting their lives on the line to protect us all.
What’d I think?
They’re back, but are they better than ever?
The 2000 version of Charlie’s Angels that starred Drew Barrymore, Lucy Liu and Cameron Diaz CHANGED MY LIFE. At 11 years old, it was the first time I saw women on screen that were smart, funny and fierce. With no knowledge at that age of the original Charlie’s Angels franchise, these women became my go-to reference for feminine power. Well them and the Spice Girls.
Given my love for that version, I was excited to see that the concept was being revitalised for a new generation – and by no other than Elizabeth Banks. While we don’t get a sharp script, what we do get is a whole lot of popcorn fun. 🍿
Kristen Stewart (who is an absolute superstar), Naomi Scott and Ella Balinska lead the charge as our new Angels. Bringing their individual flair to the characters, the Angels also share a few similar traits. They’re dorky, wild, kick-ass, smart and glam AF.

The film follows a pretty standard formula. The girls work for the mysterious Charlie, they undertake secret missions and act as fierce embodiments of female empowerment. What the film lacks in plot, it makes up for in large action sequences, quirky comedic breaks and the charismatic power of its stars.
Not perfect by any means, if you go into this with no expectations you’ll easily be able to overlook its flaws and enjoy watching these babes kick some serious ass.
3/5 stars
Did you catch this on the big screen? Let us know what you thought in the comments.
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Written by Monique Renee
Usually barefoot and deep in wanderlust mode, Mon loves binging Netflix, cuddling babies and stalking through Instagram looking for boho decor inspo and hotties with man buns. You’ll usually find her on holiday, planning a holiday or thinking about holidays.
Favourite Instagram to follow: @hotdudesreading
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