We all have mornings when we are pushed for time, yet we still need to slap on some makeup before we head out the door. We have all been there, done that! With everyday life speeding by it’s hard enough to make time to sit and eat breakfast let alone put on some makeup! So I’ve put together the essential items that you need to make it look like you have it all together.
These steps are fast, convenient and effective, so rest assured that even though we are racing through you won’t leave the house looking like you haven’t even been to sleep. However there are no guarantees there isn’t toilet paper stuck to your shoe!

Conceal the evidence
We may wake up with puffy eyes or redness, dry skin or the effects of last night’s binge on chocolate, so if there is one thing you grab first, make it the concealer. Cream concealer is best to lighten and brighten your under-eye area. Apply your concealer as close to your lash line as possible and inner corner of your eye in and upside down triangle shape. Fill in your triangle just like you would colouring-in and blend in. Your finger works great as a blending tool as well so no
need for extra tools.
Frame the eyes
Eyebrows have been the latest craze for some time now but you don’t need to rush out and spend hundreds getting yours tattooed on. Simply take an eyebrow gel and brush through your brow following its natural shape. The wand of the eyebrow gel looks similar to a mascara wand (don’t ever use this on your lashes, please!!) but will fill in and define your brows in one go. Don’t overthink it – just do it.
Add some length
Grabbing a black mascara to go over your eyelashes will instantly make you look more awake. It will darken, thicken and add length to your eyelashes while looking feminine and beautiful.
Swipe a little colour on your lips
A matte lipstick will be your best friend. They come in many many different colours and all it takes is a quick swipe of the lipstick to complete your look. If your working in a professional office you could always use a mauve or light brown to keep it subtle or if you’re wanting a little more colour then pink is your perfect pick. By using a matte lipstick you will get at least four hours of good pigmented coverage so you should only need one top-up during lunch.
Then grab your coffee to go, jump in your car and away you go. Five minutes, four things and feeling fabulous all day!
When you’re short on time, what’s the one makeup essential that you can’t do without?
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Written by Analesha Little
A beauty guru with a love for travel, wine and Uber Eats, Analesha enjoys writing about everything from makeup to motherhood and all the sassy bits in between.
Favourite quote: “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself”
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