Tips for a fun date night

    A regular date night … sounds like a fantasy, right? With busy lives, getting some time alone with your partner may seem quite out of reach. However, the effort that you put in to ensuring that your relationship has some “we” time really does pay off with better communication, appreciation, intimacy and added fun!

    A date night can, of course, be anything you want it to be – just as long as you actually get to spend some quality time together, anything goes. It can also be as regular as budget and time allows – once a week or once a month – make the commitment to each other and your relationship. To avoid one partner doing all the organisation, take it in turns to choose what you will do and make any necessary bookings – keep it a surprise if you wish, for added romance. Don’t always stick to the tried and true ‘movie and dinner’ date. Try something new together – we’ve got some great suggestions for dates either out of the house or at home.

    Out of the house


    A picnic is cheap, easy and you can either head out in a t-shirt and jeans or dress up – whatever takes your fancy. Pop in some gourmet delights or just pack some tasty sandwiches. Choose a spot that doesn’t get too much foot traffic and for extra romance, time your picnic for a beautiful sunset.

    Learn something new

    Whether it’s cookery classes, dance lessons, wine-tasting, art classes or just exploring an art gallery or museum – expand your knowledge and you will have so much more to talk about than just work and the dog.

    Just drive

    Hop in the car and just drive! Don’t plan ahead, just hit the road, stop when you see something interesting, eat when you want and explore. This works especially well if you’re able to get a full night away and can choose from a few accommodation options (don’t forget to pack an overnight bag).

    Live the high life

    Do all those things you wish you had the money for – take a test-drive in a new car, have a nosey at the open home of a flash house, try on some beautiful clothes at the most expensive stores. Or book into a spa for a couples massage and some much-needed pampering. Hot pools are also a great chance to relax and reconnect.


    Truth be told, when you’ve cooked dinner  a million trillion times, there may be nothing better than just going out for dinner. To mix things up, try a new restaurant or cuisine each time. If the budget will only stretch as far as fish and chips on the beach, then so be it.

    Middle of the day date

    If you’re able to get some time away from work (even just an extended lunch hour), a day-time date is a great option. See a matinee movie, grab a coffee, have brunch together, explore the market or just go shopping, hand in hand. Hit the mall, give each other a $5 budget and see who can come up with the most romantic gift.

    Be a kid again … 

    If you’re not the lovey-dovey, stare into each other’s eyes type of couple, then maybe some friendly competition is more your thing – how about ten-pin bowling, lazer tag, mini golf or go karting? Loser does the dishes for a week.

    Get out and about

    For active couples, try a bush walk, go fishing, hit the gym together, go ice-skating or enjoy a bike ride.

    More ideas:

    • Drive-in movies
    • Comedy shows
    • Rock concerts
    • Street festivals

    Date night at home

    Movie night

    Choose a movie that you’re both keen to see – maybe one that was on at the cinema when you instead had to opt for an animated feature to keep the rugrats happy! Dim the lights, serve up some drinks, snuggle under a blanket and don’t forget the Jaffas.

    Dinner date

    Whether you cook the meal together or take turns (too many cooks and all that), whip up a meal that you rarely get to enjoy. Or order in, but still break out the best plates, wine glasses, candles and dress up for the occasion.

    Games night

    Break out a deck of cards for a game of blackjack or poker. Instead of money, bet with a list of what you would like your partner to do for you! We’re not talking about ‘take out the trash’ but hey, everyone to their own. If you’re aiming for more fun than romance, try ‘Mad Libs’ or ‘Would You Rather’ type games to get the laughter flowing.

    Camp-out in your backyard

    If the weather is nice and you want to go on an adventure without having to give up your nice clean bathroom, consider spending a night under the stars together – or maybe just a few hours if the pull of your comfy bed is too strong! Pitch a tent in the garden, toast marshmallows, lay on a blanket and stargaze.

    Enjoying each other

    Turn the TV off, open a bottle of wine or make cocktails, indulge in some expensive ice cream, give each other a massage and let nature take its course.

    What’s your ideal date night?



    1. Jen Wiig October 27, 2017 at 11:05 am

      Love the idea if learning somerhing together, never thought to do this and with good local community centres doing adult subject classes rhis could be really fun.
      I love going to concerts and tfying to encourage hubby to come along even if not really into them theres something amazing about seeing a band or singer live.

    2. Sarah Blair October 16, 2017 at 2:37 pm

      Sometimes we get some drinks and watch a movie at home together, we also both really enjoy live music so if we have the opportunity we go to concerts together

    3. Vikki Sainsbury October 13, 2017 at 12:33 pm

      Due to budget for us date night at home is usually the go, watch a movie and snuggle in bed is great. Going to the movies is a treat! Doesn’t happen often 🙂

    4. Kym Moore October 7, 2017 at 4:38 pm

      We quite often “date at home”. We have people who would gladly watch our kids but we don’t like to ask very often. So we Netflix a movie or a new TV show and share a bottle of wine and something yum like chocolate. It’s nice to just relax after all the running around of the day!

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