Dating apps get a bad rap for being filled with sex obsessed millennials looking to tap and gap, but for all the bad press it gets, dating apps can actually be really great for pushing you out of your comfort zone and introducing you to new people.
We’re pro socialising any way you feel comfortable with, but if you’re not sure if apps are for you we’ve put together 5 reasons why you shouldn’t give up on them yet.
1. Everyone is doing it
Forget all those societal misconceptions because honestly everyone is doing it. Seriously, everyone.
If we didn’t value our lives so much, we could name at least five friends who are making the most of what the app world has to offer and each of them could easily do the same. It’s no longer taboo to be seen swiping left or right while you’re out and about so kick your ego in the face and get to swiping.
2. It’s free
You’re a millennial and something is free? Snap that up!
Some dating apps have premium account features that let you get a little fancier, but there is no reason you can’t have a little fun off a free account. The basic features are the same and all you need is some great lighting, a fun profile and a great opening line. No pressure right?
3. It’s not all horror stories
Sure, maybe you’ll have to endure a few dick pics and the classic “how you doin’?”, but if you give it a chance and filter through the ones who aren’t right for you, you may just find yourself making a meaningful connection with someone.

4. Practice makes perfect
If you’re not an experienced dater or you’ve been out of the game for a while then dating apps are a great way to get your confidence up.
You can also say goodbye (sort of) to any fear of rejection you might have. The great thing about apps is that it doesn’t matter if you mess up a convo or if you aren’t vibing with someone because you can politely bail out of a conversation without having to face the awkwardness of a face-to-face dismissal.
Be bold!
Be empowered!
Get it girl!
5. Get in, get out
Not a relationship kind of girl?
No worries.
There are a tonne of girls and guys looking for a good time, not a long time. If you’re not looking to commit, make your intentions clear (nicely of course) and meet up. If you both are on the same page then why not have a night (or two or three) of sweaty fun. You won’t get any judgements from us.
Remember to be smart, stay safe and have fun.
Have you every used a dating app?
See more:
Written by Monique Renee
Usually barefoot and deep in wanderlust mode, Mon loves binging Netflix, cuddling babies and stalking through Instagram looking for boho decor inspo and hotties with man buns. You’ll usually find her on holiday, planning a holiday or thinking about holidays.
Favourite Instagram to follow: @hotdudesreading
Some movies or series portray dating apps a bit negatively or portrays a kind of “desperate” image. I’m married though so I haven’t look into any of it. But I guess this articles helps to keep a more open mind and I can pass it along to any of my single friends.
Good read. I’m married but my mother has just recently had some success on dating sites. Yes she’s had some really bad people on there but she has came to find a lovely guy. I always say you need to go through the bad to get to the best.
I’m definitely not against dating apps – I have used in the past but now in a relationship with a child 🙂 I didn’t meet my partner via an app as we actually worked together for quite a few years haha. But each to their own and if it works for you then go for it! Just stay safe.