5 easy ways to rekindle romance

Have you lost that loving feeling? Has the word ‘romance’ become something you only ever read about? Being a busy woman often means your love-life gets put on the backburner.  But it shouldn’t be this way. “People in supportive, loving relationships are more likely to feel healthier, happier and satisfied with their lives”, say Relationships Australia.  So, injecting a little bit of spark back into your relationship is worth the effort .

Here are 5 easy ways to make your relationship really sing:

1) Use your words

Never underestimate the power of words. Telling your partner regularly how much you appreciate him is the simplest way of conveying your love. If you feel like getting creative, write down 5 things you love most about your partner, then slip the piece of paper into the pocket of his jacket or stick it to the windscreen of the car. For extra brownie points you could try writing him some poetry – putting pen to paper is the most romantic thing you could possibly do.

2) Reminisce together

Pull out your wedding album, or some photographs of a trip you and your partner took. This is a great way to remind each other of why you got together in the first place. Reliving good times from the past can have a really positive effect on the present. Grab a glass of wine, cuddle up on the couch and take a trip down memory lane.

3) Have a surprise Date

Take it in turns once a month to organise a surprise date for your partner. And we’re not talking pizza and a movie or Thai takeaways on your lap! Really take it up a notch and try something a little out of the ordinary. Do a cooking course together,  go whale watching or take a day trip to the country. It doesn’t have to be expensive, or take too many hours out of your day. The only rule is that it must be fun!

4) Do random acts of kindness

Do something nice for your partner for no particular reason. And make a point of doing something for him every single day, for a week. When it comes to matters of the heart, the simplest things often make the biggest difference. Encourage him to have a Saturday morning sleep-in, make his favourite dessert, or buy him a new CD. Making your partner feel special is what true romance is all about.

5) Hug more

American psychotherapist, Virginia Satir said: “We need 4 hugs a day for survival. We need 8 hugs a day for maintenance. We need 12 hugs a day for growth.” Hugging is just another way of communicating your feelings in a positive way.  Hardly anybody says no to a hug, and everybody always feels better after getting one. Make a promise to hug more often and get closer both physically and emotionally.


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