Sooner or later, your past catches up to you. Winnie-the-Pooh revisits a now adult Christopher Robin (Ewan McGregor) and helps him to rediscover the joys of life in this live-action reboot.
After canceling plans to go away with his wife, Evelyn, and daughter, Madeline, in order to work through the weekend, he is reunited with Winnie the Pooh and his old friends from the Hundred Acre Wood, remembering when doing nothing with a best friend was the very best kind of something.
Directed by Marc Forster (‘Quantum of Solace’, ‘Monster’s Ball’, ‘World War Z’)
Starring Ewan McGregor, Hayley Atwell, Toby Jones, Jim Cummings, Peter Capaldi, Mark Gatiss, Brad Garrett, Sophie Okonedo
Written by Alex Ross Perry
In NZ Cinemas September 20th
So, what’d we think?
Maybe you’re thinking that you’re too old to watch a movie about Winnie the Pooh and his delightful band of friends but let me tell you right now, this movie will punch you right in the nostalgia feels and leave you with a big old smile on your face. It’s a must watch.
The film follows the always adventurous Christopher Robin as a free and imaginative child (played by Orton O’Brien) who bids farewell to the Hundred Acre Woods and grows up to be a hardworking adult who has forgotten the joys from his childhood (played by Ewan MacGregor 😍).
Suffering from a midlife crisis at the hands of a stressful work life that sees him constantly neglecting his family, Christopher Robin is reintroduced to the “bear with little brain” at a time when they both need each other the most. Awakening his inner child, Christopher Robin alongside Pooh and co. embark on a journey full of misadventures and soul searching, all of which is topped off with some gooey sweetness.

As soon as I heard Winnie the Pooh’s voice in the opening scene, I was five years old again. Christopher Robin’s real power is in the ability to transport you back into that some state of wonderment you experienced as a kid going on adventures with Pooh, Piglet, Eeyore and their lovable friends.
The puppetry in this film is exquisite and the interaction between McGregor and the cuddly co. feels completely natural throughout the film.
Still as wise as ever, the story of Christopher Robin uses Pooh’s philosophical ramblings as a reminder that there is more to life than the entrapments that come with striving for better careers and more money; two of the key “must-dos” of adulting.
Winnie the Pooh: Doing nothing often leads to the very best kind of something.
I loved this film. My friends loved this film. You’ll love this film. Go see this film.
But, should you see it?
We don’t give star ratings on movies around here because everything is subjective, but if we had to assign one to this it would be 10/10. Christopher Robin is a perfectly executed, beautifully written and utterly sweet look at the priorities we set for ourselves as adults and the importance of bringing joy into your life.

Who is your favourite character from Winnie the Pooh? Mine is Eeyore, all day everyday.
See more:
Written by Monique Renee
Usually barefoot and deep in wanderlust mode, Mon loves binging Netflix, cuddling babies and stalking through Instagram looking for boho decor inspo and hotties with man buns. You’ll usually find her on holiday, planning a holiday or thinking about holidays.
Favourite Instagram to follow: @hotdudesreading
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