It’s always an exciting time of year when the days start to get longer and the trees are filled with blossoms. There’s almost an unspoken spring in our step which can only mean that summer is on its way. Its a good time to start thinking about the best ways that you can fit in a good skincare routine that doesn’t break the bank and doesn’t take too long each day. By implementing these little steps you can look forward to beautiful soft skin this summer.
Spring clean your stash
Spring is a great time to sort out the house and the junk we accumulate over winter. That includes your skincare products. Every product will have an expiry date printed on it and it is important to throw these out once they have reached the date stated. Expired skincare products can harbour bacteria and lose their effectiveness.
After a long dry winter your skin will be feeling pretty flat. A combination of the cold outside air and dry indoor heating will dehydrate your skin. By using an exfoliator three times a week it will help make way for new skin to regenerate without any blocked moisture hiding in the old cells.
Using a moisturiser after you have exfoliated will give your skin a natural softness in texture and lock in moisture. As the days get hotter and longer your skin will need all the help it can get to stay soft so if you tend to have dry skin, opting for something thicker like a body butter will be beneficial for you.

Use products with an SPF
We all know how harsh the sun is and even when it’s not shining we can still be affected by the UVA/UVB rays. Using products like a moisturiser or lip balm with an SPF already in them will give your skin that little bit of extra protection.
We all know that feeling good on the outside starts from feeling good on the inside so keeping up your water intake will help flush out all of the toxins from your body. I know it may seem like a good idea to reach for the coffee again but coffee and alcohol will leave your skin feeling even more parched and patchy than before.
Skin care doesn’t need to be expensive. Next time you’re at the supermarket stop on the health and beauty aisle and take a minute to see what you can find. By following these five easy steps you will be glowing from the inside out, ready for your first summer barbecue.
What’s your go-to skincare routine?
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Written by Analesha Little
A beauty guru with a love for travel, wine and Uber Eats, Analesha enjoys writing about everything from makeup to motherhood and all the sassy bits in between.
Favourite quote: “Beauty begins the moment you decide to be yourself”
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